For my second year of Industrial Design at TU/e I have two main goals. 

Firstly, I aspire to explore and work on the topic of sustainability, given that I have already had opportunities to work on projects related to health and vitality. I hope to work on the smart homes of the future for Project 2 in the New Futures squad, where sustainability is a main theme. Additionally, I am enrolled for ‘Engineering Design’ with the preference for sustainable buildings. To deepen my understanding of sustainability in design I intend to read the book 'Design for sustainability survival guide' by Conny Bakker, Ed van Hinte and Yvo Zijlstra. I am also considering the course ‘ID Green – design perspectives on sustainability’, however it may pose difficulty with my schedule.

Secondly, I would like to enhance my understanding of business and entrepreneurship. I wish to acquire skills I can use to analyze the successfulness and financial feasibility of new products. To achieve this goal, I registered for 'USE Internet of Things' program. I will follow three courses to go through a design process with emphasis on business and entrepreneurship aspects. After this program, I hope to have acquired the skills to validate concepts from a business perspective.

I would also like to enhance other skills during my projects in the second year, such as sketching to visually communicate ideas well and using electronics in products. 
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