Since I was little I liked doing arts and crafts. As my creativity developed, I also began to like design more and more. Sometimes that already included inventing and innovating small things. I mostly liked to do fashion design and even got featured once in the 'TopModel by Depesche' magazine and once won the monthly design contest on their website. Next to that, I liked to make pencil drawings in different styles, including realistic and doodles. Moreover, I did a lot of other creative activities such as painting, sewing and photography.

In high school I followed the visual arts course where I made many projects using different materials and techniques. For example I used trash once, I also made an artwork using fabrics and ribbons. I used more common materials too such as paper, wood and perspex. 
The theme of my 'profielwerkstuk' was 'geofictie' for geography and I designed a whole fictional country from all aspects; physical, socio-cultural, economic, demographic and political. I made maps of the country for all dimensions as well and turned it into a whole atlas. 

Overall, all these past activities led me to explore and challenge my creativity, not only in skills but also in creative thinking. These experiences have been valuable to me for becoming a designer.

Art Freedom (Last year of High School - 2020/2021)
Art Freedom (Last year of High School - 2020/2021)
Art Freedom (Last year of High School - 2020/2021)
Art Freedom (Last year of High School - 2020/2021)
Work in Progress of 'Beautiful Mess' (5th year - 2019/2020)
Work in Progress of 'Beautiful Mess' (5th year - 2019/2020)
Memories (Final art piece of High School - 2021)
Memories (Final art piece of High School - 2021)
Close-up of 'Memories'
Close-up of 'Memories'
Close-up of 'Memories'
Close-up of 'Memories'
Atlas of my fictional country (PWS)
Atlas of my fictional country (PWS)
Physical map from my PWS
Physical map from my PWS
Demographic map (birth rate) from my PWS
Demographic map (birth rate) from my PWS
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